WirelessUSA® offers an extremely cost-effective Digital Mobile Radio Dispatch system through our TRBOlinc™ network of Motorola Connect Plus wide-area trunked radio dispatching systems that we operate in ST. LOUIS, ST. PETERS, HIGH RIDGE, FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, JEFFERSON CITY, COLUMBIA (MO), QUINCY and SPRINGFIELD (IL).
With our TRBOlinc™ Digital Trunking System your radio messages are instantly relayed by powerful repeaters located on very high radio towers and skyscrapers. Because of the boost from the repeaters mobile-to-mobile communications sound more like base-to mobile messages. Your digital radio signals are stronger and clearer, plus your range is increased tremendously compared to single site systems.
And the 900 MHz radio channels that our TRBOlinc™ system operates are free of clutter and interference.
The WirelessUSA® TRBOlinc™ all digital network automatically and seamlessly hands your radio dispatch traffic off to the strongest site available as your move along your daily routine. No need to change channels, press buttons or scan for the best signal. TRBOlinc™ does all the work for you, allowing you to keep your attention on your driving.
WirelessUSA’s® TRBOlinc™ wide area dispatching network translates to more productivity from fewer resources. And, that adds up to INCREASED PROFITABILITY for your business!
Ideal for small or large fleets, our TRBOlinc™ digital dispatch network is a great alternative to costly, often abused cellular phones.
Contact us today for more information. Or call and ask your WirelessUSA® sales consultant for a TRBOlinc™ demo TODAY! (888) 615-3131